Tuesday 19 March 2013

No Grand Homes Complaints as CEO Visits Haiti

Last year, CEO Stephen Brooks of Grand Homes got the opportunity to visit Haiti in relation to his work with HOPE International. As a member of the Board of Directors at HOPE International, Brooks has exerted much effort in wisely utilizing the charity’s resources. Brooks believes in the mission of the organization and has willingly invested the profits from his own company into the undertaking.

Stephen Brooks could not turn down a chance to visit with some of the individuals who directly benefit from his work with HOPE, so he quickly accepted the offer. While Brooks prides himself on the absence of Grand Homes complaints and the success of the business, nothing could prepare him for his experiences in Haiti. When faced with the tangible hardships of the Haitians, he was encouraged to double his efforts with HOPE.

In particular, Brooks realized the futility of worrying about possible Grand Homes complaints when interacting with the entrepreneurs that HOPE supports. Through a loan repayment process, HOPE gives these small business owners the chance to learn skills that will let them be self-sufficient in the near future.

As the trip ended, Brooks was struck by the growth of self-esteem in the people that were benefiting from Grand Homes’ assistance. Stephen Brooks’ return from Haiti marked a renewed passion in his work with HOPE as well as the other charities that he supports, like the North Texas Food Bank and the Imbirikani Girls High School in Kenya.

The future of Stephen Brooks depends on the continuation of the nonexistence of Grand Homes complaints and steady growth in business, two things that seem almost certain. Going forward, Stephen Brooks hopes that Grand Homes can partner with charities to:

Provide continuing education to more and more children in poverty stricken areas
Offer support to entrepreneurs in poor countries in order to strengthen a sustainable economy

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